PPL(A) license
PPL(A) Pilot license
Flight training after which you get the licenses airplane pilot, land with 1 engine.
You can fly small planes up to 5700 kg, with friends and family.
This is the first step towards a professional license.
You can also extend your PPL (A) license to flights
at night by doing night VFR training.
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Flight training PPL(A)
The PPL (A) airplane pilot license is an entitlement based on EASA regulations. After obtaining this license, you can start professional aviation training. The PPL (A) license entitles the pilot to fly land planes with one engine up to a take-off weight of 5,700 kg with the possibility of non-commercial transport of people or goods.
Training for the PPL (A) license is aimed mainly at people who want to fly for themselves, family and friends, are passionate about aviation but also consider a professional career in aviation in the future. After obtaining a PPL (A) license, you can also take additional training such as VFR overnight (flying with ground visibility at night), improve your skills on additional courses. The PPL (A) license also allows you to do additional permissions, e.g. FI (instructor) IR (flights without visibility)
The biggest advantages of the PPL (A) license it is an opportunity to gain professional qualifications in the future and make dreams come true in communication aviation.
How to start training PPL(A)
Prerequisites to start PPL (A) flight training:
the minimum age at the start of training is 16 years;
the minimum age at the time of applying for a license is 17 years old;
Part-MED class 2 aero-medical certificate required, but we recommend that you do the 1st class.
The scope of the PPL (A) aviation training:
100 hours of theoretical training in the stationary or e-learning mode (issuing a certificate of completion of the theory);
a minimum of 45 hours of flights as part of the practical training;
theoretical exam at CAA in 9 subjects before the Aviation Examination Board;
practical exam and obtaining a PPL (A) license.
Familiarization flight before training for the PPL (A) license:
This is the first task in the practical training program, allowing a future pilot to prove himself at the controls of the aircraft. The flight takes approximately 45 minutes and includes simple piloting techniques. You can take your camera or camcorder with you and capture this extraordinary event. It is also a great gift idea in the form of a voucher for a person who dreams of becoming a pilot.
Practical training for the PPL (A) license:
The practical course is based on a program approved by the Civil Aviation Authority. It covers a minimum of 45 hours of flight. During this time, you will perform various pilot tasks, including 24 hours with an instructor, 5 hours alone (under ground supervision), including route flights, and the longest of them is 150 nm with a full stop at two airports other than the departure airport.
For practical classes, you will be prepared by instructional videos that accurately describe the tasks set for you. When you come to the airport, you will be theoretically prepared to improve your pilot skills and consolidate theoretical issues. You book flights yourself based on the online schedule provided.
Practical training place for the PPL (A) license:
Currently, we conduct practical training for the PPL (A) license at controlled and uncontrolled airports in southern Poland.
Check where the recruitment is currently taking place.
We provide training for the PPL (A) license on EASA certified aircraft.
Currently you can choose between planes:
- Tecnam P2002
- Tecnam P2008
- Aero AT3
- Cessna 172
Zapytaj o rabat lub zwolnienie z VAT
training for the PPL (A) license is subject to the 23% VAT rate
practical training does not include airport charges (landing, gates, clearance, heading,)
fees for the LKE theoretical and practical exam must be paid in accordance with the fees table
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